Cat was very interested in Raijin's relationship with the new girl, Cherry. It was clear that they knew each other. Just here, or in real life? She wondered what that was like, knowing someone in real life, and playing with them here. It must be nice. A dark mood seemed to settle over her. While she had had what one could call friendships, they had never lasted. People just didn't seem to understand it when she went into a depressive mood, or wondered what life would be like if her parents had survived. One rude, nasty little girl had gone so far as to say she should be over it, they died years ago. But that wasn't the point. She had had to grow up knowing that she didn't have parents, listening as kids proudly stated that their dad was a police officer, their mother a doctor or some such. And she had just been able to say her Uncle was an IT specalist. And then see their pitying looks. So the game gave hrr a chance to have friends who knew nothing of her past. She wouldn't have anything ruin it. She watched Hazard storm off. What was wrong? [I]doesn't like authority figures? Are his parents strict? Or does he just have trouble with those that assume command?[/I] another puzzle to solve. She hoped that eventually she would be able to solve all these puzzles that were piling up in ner head, and then offer her friends some help. Yet right then, as the group seemed to break up, Cat felt out of place. Like she was standing on the edge of everything. She didn't know what to do. would she be left behind again? Would she be considered too much work, and would they leave her? She didn't think she could bare it, not again. This was her last escape, if it happened would she cope? And then....and then the news cast came on, telling them all about the missing log out button, the dying, and the rest. Her first thought was for her family. Her cousins, uncle, her Aunt, oh, god, her Aunt. Fragile, and quite, her Aunt seemed like a vase, that would at any moment. How would she cope with this? Her uncle generally could handle her Aunt, but Cat knew that she had come to consider her as a daughter, and she knew her Aunt would fall apart, utterly and complete, as if it were her own children trapped in the game. A rare and powerful Fury rose in Cat. They couldn't do this. They couldn't trap them in here. It just wasn't humane. Surely something could be done. Surely they could get out, with their lives? She didn't givr a damn about money. But she did about her friends, her family. Her hands, unnoticed, curled into fists, and she spun about as if she could just make a way out. "You can't do this!" She yelled. She didn't need to check her menu, to know her log out button was indeed gone.