[b] Samantha – Baton Rouge Neighborhood – Abram and the girls [/b] Samantha had stayed quiet as the two of them slowly made their way from the back room to the rest of the house. She had observed the cans and whispered quietly to Abram that they’d go through every cabinet and drawer that the kitchen had for any food once they were done settling in. The house was rather nice. It gave a very homey vibe and it made Sam feel comfortable to be in it. Hopefully lady luck would be on their side so she could be able to lay low here for a few days at the least. They could certainly block the entrances with the couches and, fortunately for them, most of the windows were boarded up. This way, the small group could move freely along the house without having to worry about being spotted. She kept close to Abram, not letting anything distract her. She followed him upstairs and stood at the last step, looking both left and right. After watching him make his way down the hall with the two rooms, she decided and going the opposite way to the other room. On her way there, to her left, was a bathroom with the door wide open. She paid little attention to it, giving it a quick once over to make sure nothing or no one was inside, before continuing to the room. With a deep breath, Sam gently opened the door with her foot, moving ever so slowly as she entered the room. It was a sort of nursery. Not really a room for infants, but not exactly a toddler room. There was a mix of baby toys and toddler toys scattered around the room and by the back wall were two beds that were made for children that were transitioning from the cribs to big kid beds. Sam lowered her blade and sighed, smiling a bit. The room was part blue and part pink, giving signs that the kids that once resided here were fraternal twins. It was a like a blow to the stomach as the thought of her own twin sister popped into her mind and she wiped the few tears that had slowly fallen from her eyes. The room was connected to the same bathroom that she had passed in the hallway and didn’t bother to walk into somewhere where she had already been. She had stayed for a few minutes in the room, running her hand over the children’s belongings and opening up a few drawers. “Clothes….” Her voice was a hushed whisper as she dug through the baby clothes and grinned. The young mother that waited for them outside would be more than happy to hear what they had found inside. A creak from the hardwood floors made Sam’s head snap up and she quickly snapped back to reality, grabbing the blade once more and walking to each door to find Abram. The second floor was empty, so she practically skipped down the stairs only to find him coming back in through the kitchen from outside. She was glad to see him smile, and hear him chuckle. It meant they were in the clear. “Good.” Sam responded, the same light tone in her voice. “I’ve always wanted a two story house. We should tell the girls. I’m sure they’re growing anxious. Plus, I want Jessalyn to see the baby room upstairs.” She patted him once on the arm, the same way she’d hit her old soccer teammates when they’d win a game. As she walked past him she glanced over her shoulder as she remembered what he had mentioned about her lock picking skills. “Oh…. And I only learned how to pick locks [i]after[/i] the biter mayhem started. Someone had to unlock all those dorm rooms in the university.” She grinned and turned back to look forward, turning the corner and making her way towards the front of the house. Once she had gotten to the truck, she waved at the girls and walked to the side of the truck, helping Jess and Leah out. “You guys will like it in here. Especially you, Jess. I think you’ll like what I found upstairs.”