[quote=Dinh AaronMk] Given how the site runs right now I don't think it needs to be more active. We'll just crash it more and it'll die again.No, what needs to be worried about first is getting Mahz to stabilize this. THEN you can do a marketing campaign. [/quote] ^ This. More People=Crashes The reason why the Guild died was due to the last crash and everyone rushed over to Iwaku and/or to other sites. Unless Mazh gets his ass to fix the issues and bugs that drives people away from this site, people would avoid this site and go to Iwaku. I went to Iwaku and I now have an account and tested a few thing around. I love the Guild such; but, the crashes happen more often to me after the site was back up and I am tried of it. Do I think that this site will ever get the numbers it had on the oldguild? No, the crash caused many people to move to Iwaku and if something would happen to it, nobody isn't going to return to the Guild. So in short, fix the site and then you can spread the news that the Guild finally has an update.