Hazard had only just gotten to enjoy the music that Mari had put on before the man on the news piped up about the missing log out option. Out of curiosity, he pulled up his own menu and realized that his... as well as all the others around him... were gone. "You've... you've got to be kidding..." he said in a silent breath, the cigar falling from his mouth and hitting the ground. He watched as Prince carried over the knocked out Mantam, the pressure of the situation taking hard toll on the poor girl. His heart sank as he looked over at Cynthia, all of the commando was gone, she seemed like a scared young girl... and it damn near broke his heart to see her this way... he much preferred her hard ass self than anything. He tried to think of something to say... a joke... something... but with the way it was, he was speechless. But he knew that panicking was not on the to do list, he needed a level head, not just for him, but his friends. He swallowed the knot in his throat that had formed during the silence and sighed. Unslinging his rifle, he set it on the ground and made sure the weapon was at full ammo, as well as counting how many other rounds he had... twenty... not a whole lot to be honest... After some rummaging, he pulled out a coin bag of about twenty coins, walking over to where Prince was hugging Cynthia and setting it next to him. "Well guys, sitting here isnt going to get us anywhere. Consider that my first of many donations." he said as he looked around at the others, the jokester holding a serious gaze, "You heard the guy, we only got one life in this game now, and the only way to ensure we survive, is to level up as much as we can, as quick as we can. I understand were shaken up... so am I... but damn me if I lose this game now, and damn me twice if I see any of you guys lose." Giving a confident smile, he held a thumbs up to Prince, "Im with you all the way buddy, youre the leader of this group, so get to leadin!"