Lol I like how I never acknowledge Turt's existence and yet he keeps acknowledging me. This is the 2nd topic on Newguild he's made about me. Still dating underage girls, Turt? e-popularity yay [img=] [quote=Jorick] Agreed. The way some people talked about Griever being so great made me think he'd be all sorts of fun. Such a disappointment. [/quote] You'll never be Petyr Bealish no matter how hard you try. P.S. who are you again? --- Wait, I just figured out why Turt is QQing this late at night. He must have seen my Valentine's Day topic, which discourages obesity (among other things.) And Turt is obese IRL. You're right Tart, that [i]was[/i] insensitive of me. Oh well, there's always next year.