Cattypea listened as the others spoke, clearly discussing what they were going to do. Her fear was, because her level was lower then theirs already, that she would be seen as a burden. She didn't want that. She bit her lip, looking down at her hands. She could finge tiredness, wait for everyone to go about what they needed, and then go out to train...but.... She sighed heavily. "You missed the hidden message in what he was saying" she said softly, closing her eyes "he didn't tell us how we get our. Is it merely winning the game? Do we assume that is what it will take to get out? How do we do that? Or is it something else entirely? Questions, that we need the answers to. And if it's just gathering the secrets, how many secrets are there? How many do we have to find? Do we each have to find them? Or can we as a group collectively find them? In that case, would it be easier to split up, or stay together? Maybe split up some of the time, find secrets and return, sharing them. Of course, that way is more dangerous" she said, again sighing. "I will do what ever is required of me" She bit her lip again, her ears flicking, tail twitching lightly. "I realise I am only level four, while most of you are level five...I need to level"