So I was gonna do this tomorrow, but Name: Mori Haruka Age: 38 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=] Personality: Years ago, Mori had always been light-hearted around virtually anything- work, friends, family, even his personal research. He always wanted to share his knowledge with others, thus leading to his original occupation as a professor. Mori was friendly toward most people, enjoying playing jokes on them occasionally-especially his pupils. The researcher was a gratuitous man, as well, always wanting to do what was best for his family, pupils, and even complete strangers. However, after the first Nephilim attack, he sobered up. Now, he is cold, distant even. He doesn’t seem to enjoy his research anymore, nor does he have that charm of spreading his knowledge. Mori has almost become a drone; a shell of his former self. Brief Backstory: Raised in the city, Mori was always a smart person, even in his youth. A stellar student, Mori passed through all tiers of schooling with ease, obtaining his Doctorate’s Degree at 25. During his undergraduate schooling, he met his future wife, Aya. The two dated, married, and had a child- a daughter named Seo. Mori worked for the University of Tokyo when the Nephilim hit Japan. However, by some stroke of luck, he wasn’t on-campus when hell rained down. The disaster would have killed him with no chance of survival. However, the alternative was still disastrous. The family was heading out of town when the Nephilim struck. The shockwaves from the city shook the landscape, causing a rockslide under the road Mori was driving on, taking the car- and the family, with it. The professor awoke surrounded by sirens. He saw two stretchers being rolled by, their occupants concealed by covers. The man broke down. Soon after the death of his family, SEED approached Mori, promising him a chance to take on the force that caused his incident. He swore his allegiance to the organization, and quickly rose to near the top of the chain of command. He specifically worked on the unification of magic and technology, and was a key component of creating the suits themselves. The technical aspect of it was his forte; head-reducing, flight, power levels, the works. He now works as a Head of Research, specifically for improving the suit’s usage. Abilities: Mori is smart- plain and simple. He was a key team member in engineering the MagiGear suits, as well as the use of technology and magic together. He nearly rivals Kawaguchi, but has fallen out of the race due to his time of grievance. Occupation: Previously worked as an Applied Sciences professor at the University of Tokyo, now works as a Head of Research at SEED, only a few steps down from Kawaguchi herself.