Alright, if I should get a decent interest I'll turn this into a more in-character fancy thing, but here are the bones of the concept. A thousand years have passed since the destruction of the Second Death Star. In that time the Republic has battled against countless threats. But now under new burdens - the galactic economy plummeting, a plague sweeping across the core worlds, and a growing secession movement - the Republic has collapsed under its own weight. Coruscant has become a rump state, commanding the loyalty of fewer and fewer systems by the day. Like the Republic the Jedi Order too has shattered, unable to hold their authority without the backing of Republic law. Without the Jedi to moderate galactic affairs war has broken out on a dozen fronts as sector-states battle to dominate a broken galaxy. Trade and communications lines begin to collapse, and one by one frontier worlds are going silent, their cries for help missed in the mess of a crumbling communications network and a galaxy thrown into chaos. One of the last of the Jedi has called for a conclave of his scattered brethren, aboard the ancient space station constructed within the graveyard of Alderaan, one last grasp at restoration, one last stand against the darkness.