Ishmael tried to hide a frown when he Ferra had told him what happened to her mother. The horde had to be upon the bridge by now and If the woman was trapped in the car like she said she was he didn't such much of a chance that her mother was still alive.. Seeing the forming tears in his eyes hurt his heart, something he didn't even believe to be possible anymore. He didn't know what to say to her in the situation. He could tell her that er mom probably got out but that felt like giving her some sort of false hope."Its good that you and Alysia got here. All by yourselves at your age is really impressive." giving her the same smile from earlier. He began looking around at all the other people that had taken refuge here like themselves, taking note of the white-haired girl Alysia had engaged conversation with, when Ferra had asked her question. "No kiddo, just me." He said with a small laugh though it wasn't very genuine. He didn't like thinking about his parents much, still he hoped wherever they were they were safe.Deciding to get off that train off thought and noticing Ferra placing her shoes down he figured he could change the topic. Did she really run here in those? Her feet must've hurt like hell. "We should definitely look into getting you some new shoes more suitable for running, odds are you're going to need them." He doubted they'd find anything in the rest stop itself but if they were lucky they might find something in the cars, and he could kill two birds with one stone.