Arty was in the art room completely shirtless and painting carefully on a massive white easel, his chest was covered in different dots and spots of paint as he continued to paint with such fervor that he never even noticed the time, it was very common for Arty to stay so late after school that he could sit and talk to the janitor while he was on lunch break, today was no different. Arty had been working on his massive masterpiece for months now, he had counted the days, it had been started exactly a week before his first real fried had moved to their town and started as a senior in all the same art classes as him...Isabella... She was a very strong woman and made Arty smile constantly, his mind wandered as he painted thinking about how he wished he could be more like her, her bravery, her loud mouth, her take no prisoners style of sports, her beauty...Arty stopped shaking his head, ”Where did that come from?" Arty threw himself back into the painting brushing the thoughts away with each stroke, after he was satisfied that he had done enough he started gathering his things not bothering to put his jacket or shirt on since he was still to overheated he would throw them on at the door. Arty had his jacket slung over his shoulder and his art supplies and shirt in the other hand as he turned the corner to the door he found himself face to face with a bunch of his classmates, while he was shirtless and covered in drying paint, simple man blaring from his phone. Pure embarrassment and a touch of confusion washed over him as he threw down all of his art stuff on top of his jacket and started scrambling to get his shirt on before stammering out, "Hey Isa why is everyone still here?"