Fluff stared at the treat as she decided to accept it, momentarily considering not eating it until she saw Pip devour his, barking happily at April as if she was his new best friend. His trust was easy to gain, though he still knew where his loyalties lied. Fluff was surprised to see Klauser swoop around and snatch up his own, trying to return to Desmond's hair only to stop considering it as he was met with his trainer's stare. With good reason; Nobody wanted crumbs in their hair. Accepting the stare as a no, he returned to Desmond's shoulder as he ate. After seeing them enjoy it, Fluff nibbled on the treat. She was surprised by how good it actually tasted, looking away as she ate as to not seem appreciative. Speaking of appreciative, Desmond certainly did appreciate her feeding the trio of Pokemon around him. A cold chill seemed to pass through him at how light his bag was, almost disturbing him. The carelessness of not doing any shopping for this trip was a mistake he wouldn't make again. He swore to himself he wouldn't. For the sake of his Pokemon, and his poor stomach. April's mentioning of food caught his attention; Mostly because it brought the hunger pains back in full force. She seemed to be heading back to his destination, which confirmed his map was telling him the truth as well. The offer of a meal at this time meant more than a lot of things, though the company for a short while would probably be the best part of it all. "I'd be happy to accompany you." Fluff almost spat out her treat, staring up at Desmond. She was unsure if he was serious. Though by the look on his face, it seemed he was. She sighed, eyes shifting to Hope, noticing her watching them. She quickly looked away, not trusting the Dragonair anymore than she trusted them. Though as her head turned she saw Pip simply sitting there with his tongue hanging out, seeming happy with both of them after begin fed. Fluff lowered her head so her stubby arms could allow her to facepalm out of annoyance.