Hellloooooo I am a friend of Marx's and was told it would be cool if I joined this soooo...HERE IS MY CS! General Information Name: Augustus Charles Sinclair Nickname: Gus, Charlie Age: 16 Birthday: August 29th Gender: Male Relationship status: Single Year Level: 2nd Physical Appearance [img=http://cdn2.stocksy.com/a/WDZ100/z0/373706.jpg] Eye colour: Brown Hair colour: Brown Skin colour: Mildly Tan Build of body: Tall with lean muscle Personality Likes: Metal Music, Dots (Gumdrop Candy), Reading, Writing, JRPGs Fears: Spiders, Tight Spaces, and Falling Personal goals: Finding his younger brother, design a successful RPG series (and maybe hunter some Daemons between the two) Personality: Loud, Witty, and fiercely Loyal. To outsiders Gus can seem reclusive and introverted, always with ear buds in and his nose down to a book or handheld gaming system. However once pried away from his hobbies he can be quite loud and outgoing (read as “obnoxious in large doses”). He is devoutly loyal to those he considers his friends, willing to go to the ends of the Earth to help them. Relationships Father: Unknown. Pssh. Who needs him. Mother: Angela Sinclair, daemonologist and retired Hunter Sibling(s): Jonathan “Jonny” Sinclair (Age 14): Went missing two years ago after trying to find his and Gus’ father. Hasn’t been heard from since. Friends: Tichondrius Gresham Partner: None Pet/(s): Plenty back home, none with him Classes Compulsory Subjects: 1. Advanced Fiction Writing (English) 2. Finite Math with Application (Math) Selective Subjects: 1. Game Design 2. Psychology Specialized Subjects: 1. Daemonology 2. Healing 101 3. Weaponry 4. Dead Languages Background Bio: Gus and his brother lived in a small two-story house with their mother and her small enclave of daemons that she had made contracts with over her career as a successful Hunter. From the start of their lives the two brothers knew of the history and nature of daemons, and the two eagerly dreamed of the day that they would follow in their mother’s footsteps. The two of them took vastly different routes in achieving this however. Gus was excited to live the life of a Hunter, fuelled by the stories that his mother would tell him of her escapades and adventures. Jonny however quickly took to the academic side of the profession, trying to learn as much as he could about daemons. However everything changed when Jonny stumbled upon a way to learn where the two boys’ unknown father was. Jonny was convinced that he had discovered a daemon that would be able to find their father. Gus had no interest in finding the man, life had been good without him, so why would they want to mess that up? Jonny wasn’t going to be deterred. So one evening he told Gus he was going to contact a D-Class daemon, to impress their mother. But to do so he had to engage in a ritual that he must be disturbed during, which seemed normal enough to Gus. Jonny went into the woods behind the house to contact the daemon, and was never seen since. Gus and his mother were deeply upset by the disappearance of Jonny. Gus felt that he should have stopped Jonny from going that night, or at least accompanied him into the woods to oversee the ritual. Their mother retired fully from Hunting and became completely absorbed in diving even further into the study of daemonology, attempting to discover what daemon that Jonny could have possibly came into contact with. Gus too wanted to help find Jonny, but by making a pact and becoming a Hunter. After months of research Gus found the perfect partner. Augmentis. Gus hoped his own love of technology would help win the daemon's favor, at least enough to make a pact with him. Gus went to his mother (he wasn't going to behind her back after what happened to Jonny) and got the necessary materials to contact Augmentis. He waited until a thunderstorm was roaring overhead, and made a series of glyphs in the yard. After a few minutes a bolt of lightning struck the center of the glyphs, and after Gus' eyes recovered from the strike he saw the daemon he was trying to contact. Augmentis was a least seven feet tall, a bizarre mix of technology and flesh. The daemon looked down and smile at the boy. "Oh yes. I know why you summoned me here." The daemon's voice sounds as if it was being projected through a radio, with crackles and static. "I am willing to help with your endeavors, but at a cost. Thirteen years of your life in exchange for my services." The daemon held out his hand, seemingly constructed out of metal and wire. When Gus grabbed it to seal the contract electricity arced from Augmentis' body and burned Gus' right arm. From that moment on Gus has had a constant companion in Augmentis, and has enrolled in Aulani Academy to help further his skills. Other: Gus has burns along his right arm from where he shook Auggy's hand to seal their pact. Daemon - General Information Physical Appearance [hider=Auggy][img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/336/a/c/lms___judge___by_adonihs-d342k8m.jpg][/hider] Name: Augmentis, Hubris of Man Species: Sin Incarnation Gender: Male Class: A Powers: Auggy (as Gus affectionately refers to him) embodies man's attachment and pride towards technological advancement. He can control various forms of technology, from simply turning off lights, to causing crashes of advanced forms of computing. Furthermore Auggy can generate his own electricity, can be manifested in various forms (small sparks to illuminate a room, to bolts to shoot down enemies). When not active Auggy resides in one of the handheld gaming systems that Gus always has on him, and communicates by projecting text bubbles onto the screen.