This is my Interest check for a Game I call age of Napoleon here is how it will work [center]Game Rules: Game starts 1803 1 Turn= Half a Year A At-war Nation can do 3 Orders per turn an At-Peace nation can do 2 orders per turn Victory Occurs with either controlling 3 Enemy Capitals or controlling the most territory by 1830 At the beginning of the game all countries pick 1 Ally to start with (Unlike what actually happened there will be no wars at the start of the game until war is declared) Playable Nations are: France,Britain,Austria,Prussia,Russia,and the United States (I will add in minor states if more people want to play) Once you declare war on someone they are your enemy until the end of the game (The goal is to capture an enemys capital) You can betray your ally although it will result in a war and will become your enemy,however you can ally with another nation who you are not at war with but only once[/center]