Dariq Returned to the ship to here the dwarf lass barking orders. "Everything alright 'ere capn'?" He asked Garrett as he jumped onto the ships railings. looking down at the dwarf with both his height and that added by being up on the ship's railings. "I dinnae like returnin' jus' tae 'ere some toddy dwarf announcing to the world that we is gannin' aftae summat valuable and den' orderin' the whole crew of tae ship." He said coolly. "You are on our side, ain't ya, ya little missus?" he asked with a noticeable amount of aggression behind his voice. With this he leapt from the railings and onto the deck, with a dark look over his shoulder at the dwarf he began to head below deck to store his exotic liquid in the larder, in an icebox. Just before he went below he said "Sir, remember. You give the orders." and disappeared off to look for where to keep his Grookroot.