"Fight it is then belle." He let out a small smile. It was... Unexpected that Roze would be so... Kind for a lack of a better. While it was sweet and anything to take his mind off the goings on was a welcomed distraction. He patted her hand on his shoulder a few times before removing it. Now was not the time for being cute. It was then his ears picked up a sound he thought was going to take at least another hour before it got there. "Guess the headhunters weren't too far away." It was the sound of a truck. It had that distinctive tone that was given to vehicles of the military. "Get behind something. I still got enough in me for a few rounds." With that said he started to raise his body heat. He was trying to burn off The alcohol. If was easy to do for him but it just took some time. A happy turn and it wouldn't be an issue at all. As he walked away from Roze he stumbled a bit but he got better as he walked towards the door. As he walked outside he couldn't help but noticing the MRAP now stairing him down. He cracked a smile as he saw the man with inhuman eyes. He was a meta, at least this fight was going to be a little fun."Hey man! That thing gotta Hemi init?" This southern accent started to come out a little. He was having fun for now.