Name: (Physically impossible to pronounce by human-like species), goes by June Winter. Age: 172, the equivelant of a 27 year old human who is almost 28(Standard life span of her species is, on average, 1047 Earth years.) Appearance: [img=] Height- 5'7" Weight- 145 lbs. Build: Well-Rounded (Nimble, strong, etc.) Race: Gelovian by birth. Human by alteration. Personality: June is cold. She doesn't care what the job is, so long as she's doing something. She's even cold to her teammates, but nowhere near as much. Just don't ask about her past unless you're on really good terms with her, and she's generally cool. Class type: Rifleman Powers: Telekinesis- A power beyond that of her own race (The reason it wasn't lost upon "the Experiment"), pretty self explanatory. Can lift objects of considerable weight and move them and/or throw them. She can even mold certain objects, depending on the material. Motion Prediction: Due to her top-notch mental training routine, she can focus on enemy muscle movements. Even with the slightest twitch of a muscle, June can predict where someone is going to move and how fast. Energetic Anomaly: When she feels threatened or is in a situation where she feels there is no way out, her body expends a massive amount of stored energy creating a 30-foot aura of energy that burns anything that comes within its range, and gets more severe the closer you get to her. History: The Gelovians are a race of reptilian humanoids. June was the first of her kind to come into contact with humankind. She was in a ship that had suddenly found itself in the middle of a human fleet. The man they sent aboard to conduct diplomacy with her, Elijah Stromm, instantly fell for her due to her personality and ideals. It would be a while before she would find this out. Upon further investigation, it turned out that the race that the humans were running from were also the race that the Gelovians had been at war with for eons. They each convinced their respective species to work together and take down the race. Together, the Homo Sapiens and Gelovians defeated their aggressors and brought in a new era of peace for both peoples. This peace is not something she would get to share with her people. Before long, the two races embroiled themselves in a heated conflict. It lasted two months, and ended with the humans rolling over the Gelovians. The reason the war wasn't as close as it would have been is because of five supersoldiers they had with them, which the Gelovians called "The Demons." In one of the last fights of the short but brutal conflict, June met with her team and faced off against The Demons. Her team was wiped out, and as June lay on the ground, injured and ready to be executed, the man turned off his energy helmet and revealed himself to be [url=]Jordan Troike[/url]. He looked her in the eye and decided to spare her, leaving her wounded on the battlefield where she was later found and hospitalized. Stromm returned, and kidnapped June a few days after the war was over, and told her that he loved her. When she vehemently denied any chance of her ever being involved in an interspecies relationship, he was infuriated. He took her to a team of scientists that worked for him as indentured servants, and they locked her up in a round tube-shaped cell. She begged that he let them go, but Stromm was determined, saying that he could fix what was separating them. For 8 years, they slowly experimented on June, changing here genome and forcing her body to change correspondingly- a terribly painful experience. They slowly changed June into the woman she would be if she were born human, and when all was said and done, Tom freed her and held his arms out wide to her. He thought they'd finally be together, but she took a nearby scalpel and drove it through his skull. June went on a rampage and annihilated everyone in the facility after finding out the other atrocities taking place there. When all was said and done, she was greeted by a human military officer and congratulated for taking out the biggest band of criminal scientists that existed at the time. She returned to her planet expecting to be greeted with sympathy, but her people now despised the human race and refused to believe she was one of them. They chased her off the planet, and she drifted in space for a long time, not knowing what to do with her life anymore. It was just then that [url=]Weiss Volarra[/url] stumbled across her in her own ship, and invited her aboard. After hearing all she had been through (or at least what June wanted her to know), Weiss suggested she put her talents to use at Tesera Corp. She accepted gratefully. When Weiss asked her for her name, June realized that she could no longer pronounce her old name, so she donned a new identity and started her new life in the same way her old one had ended- in conflict. How long have you been with Tesera: New Recruit Weapons: Lawless N1 Rocket Rifle: Five rounds a magazine. Long, narrow rockets designed for explosive superiority. An absolutely devastating primary weapon. [img=] Xenotech NSLR: A laser rifle that fires a continuous beam that only stops until the weapon overheats or the finger is removed from the trigger. [img=] 4x Xenotech LVP Handgun: The first model of its kind, it shoots short but extremely powerful arcs of electricity, each shot using one power cell. She always has four so that she is almost never caught with an empty gun. [img=]