Sten blinked wearily as Michelle responded. Right. What were they standing around for? Things needed to be done. He liked her direct attitude. "Right... well lets get going th-" He then received a notification about a message. He quickly checked it and grinned. "I was right. There's going to be an assembly later at lunch... So we have a couple hours I guess." He let go of Lucy and began to lead whoever would follow back to his room where all the data he had gathered was present. He looked over his shoulder as he started. "This way." He then continued on his way. He realized that this was the first time he'd ever had anyone come to his room, but that was no problem as nothing was a mess aside from the bulletin board. He felt a bit uncomfortable being here since he had spent the entire night tolling away. However, this was worth skipping classes for. He took a seat right before the bulletin board. He never found a need to use them, but there were two extra seats in his room. "Well here we are." He felt uncertain as how to present his work, but he tried not to show his uncertainty.