Roze watched on uncomfortably as Elijah stumbled out of the house, unsure of whether or not to take his advice. While deciding, she swiftly returned to the bathroom, taking off her shorts and pulling on the jeans, lacing up some black combat boots and waiting hesitantly in the bathroom. Now, a few days ago, she would have been out of the back door in no time, leaving Elijah to whatever was outside. But now, after all that had happened, she felt reluctant to betray him like that. Cracking the bathroom door open, she listened to the conversation going on outside. The guy was a Meta? Perfect. She had been expecting some form of authority figure to find them first, not some Merc, as she assumed that's who he was. [i]FBI gonna be here any minute?[/i] She thought to herself as she listened in. [i]A bluff? Or not? Either way, we're screwed.[/i] Exhaling sharply, Roze lifted one clenched hand, staring at her fist with a frown, and it ignited in flickering blue light. Now, the question remained, would she be aiding or making things worse for Elijah by going out there? She had some fight left in her, but sometimes, solo work was so much more effective than two going at it, especially if a plan hadn't been worked out prior to the battle engagement. However, she had no interest in hiding in the bathroom like some silly little maiden from a storybook, acting as a damsel in distress needing a hero to rescue her. Opening the door and stepping back into the main room, she lingered out of sight by the front door, standing by in case things took a turn for the worse for Elijah.