Elijah tapped on the hood of the MRAP. "I never liked riding in these. Infact I hated everything that wasn't a plane or chopper. Hummer was fun for a bit out in that g-d forsaken desert man." He let out a chuckle before going on. "I remember one time we got caught out in a firefight in Baghdad. Me and Harper were going to hold the fort while the others got out in Hummers. They said another thousand were coming for our heads. We Stayed and held out till air support could evac us. Me and Harper made it out alive, while those Hummer's... Never made it back. I liked our chances then, and I like our chances now. So... No, I believe no, I believe not. FBI has too much to do right now to come after me or the girl. So yall go on about your bidness and have a nice day." Elijah smiled politely at the man, showing no fear. Only ready to snap his fingers should this go south.