*Note: Included link contains tasteful nudity but as this site is daunted by the human form is a link instead of being embedded. Sarah Covenry was something of a slut. Everyone knew it. She had experienced her second warning considering her promiscuous activities and today she was pushing the boundaries to the utmost. Technically she wasn't doing anything wrong, legally, but the professor did not look fondly on her setting a negative example for those younger than herself. Thankfully he didn't read the minds of his students on a regular basis or she would have been long expelled. That prompted her to don the outfit she was wearing this day. It was almost like sticking up her middle finger at the professor. It was little more than body paint, just long swathes of green flesh accented with thick lines depicting twining their way about her limbs and small leaves glued to her skin. She'd died her hair red with a temporary die and had painted her lips with the most crimson of of lipsticks she could find and had a brilliant scarlet jacket, so tiny, it's very purpose was laughable. Sarah enjoyed comics and this character, [url=http://cdn-images.9cloud.us/14/lusciousnet_poison-ivy-cosplay-1_41291548.jpg]Poison Ivy[/url], was one of her favorites. The woman was powerful, domineering, unflinching in her confidence and was achingly lovely sort of like Emma Frost. Sarah had considered dressing up as Emma but feared two things. One, she was worried that nobody would recognize Ms. Frost. The X-Men weren't typical heroes after all. Secondly, she feared reprisals. The White Queen didn't have the restraint or the morality of the professor. She might enjoy pushing a few telepathic buttons inside Sarah's head while the Professor wasn't looking. She'd also considered dressing up as Oola, the Twi'lek from Star Wars but this wasn't a Star Wars convention, nor May the Fourth. She'd also already done that in the Danger Room. Her character, Arla in their Star Wars recreation where they helped the core cast throughout the original movies was also a green Twi'lek and had taken Oola's place in order to sneak into Jabba's palace. Like Oola she had been sent down to the Rancor and eaten. Later, her severed lower leg was used by Luke to jam the rancor's mouth open in the pivotal scene to follow. Slipping sultrily across the red carpeting between booths of the convention, Sarah enjoyed the constant pointing and whispers that followed in her wake. The best part was the totally locked up rigid pose that Sebastian had demonstrated. She would have given anything to see his face behind his annoying fan-boy mask. That boy had real hero idolization problems. Wanting to be a hero, training to be a hero, acting as he thought a hero should. He was just so boring... except, of course, when Sarah teased him, he began blushing scarlet and tried to act nonchalant, as if he had no physical desires. She would have given a lot to see his face when she walked out but he had that damn iron man mask. Sebastian had decided on something she simply didn't understand. He was encased entirely in some plastic armour made to look like Iron Man's, only painted in Captain America's colours and sporting Thor's sizable helmet wings. Wielding a red, white and blue shield in one hand and Mjolnir in the other, Sebastian called himself, the Iron Avenger, an amalgam of the Avengers' three largest heroes. There was nothing sexy about that costume, not in Sarah's opinion which was a shame since Sebastian was slowly developing into quite the athlete. A shame he was thin boned or he might eventually look like the godly figure of Scott Summers. It was also a shame that he was completely devoted to the unattainable uber-bitch Kitty Pryde who pretended he didn't exist. Sebastian, Sarah thought, would make for a fun tumble.