[quote=Heaven] Lilly was a little startled when he held his arm out for her to take. Did we want her to take his arm? She decided to take the risk and placed her hand on it, he didn't protest, so that must have been what he wanted. She nodded when he told he she'd love the garden. "Let's go see then, shall we?" She asked, letting him guide the way. He really was handsome, he had nice features and a nice smile. She realized she was staring before she quickly looked away, staring straight ahead and hoping he hadn't noticed. [/quote] Alex smiled as he lead Lilly down the hallway to the back of the mansion. She was pretty, but he had to be careful on what he said or did. He didn't want to scare her away. "I have apple trees, watermelon and grape vines and various vegetables growing back here. Along with various type of flowers and trees that bloom." He lead her around a couple turns before coming to a door. "Wait here." He left her as he walked to the door and pushed it open. "Welcome to the garden."