Psyga began to notice some familiar characters. Tao from BlazBlue was one who passed by him with almost no trigger. Link almost made him scream out in fanboyish squees. Just then the area flashed and an angel stepped in. "Oh God, I [i]am[/i] in the afterlife." Psyga went over to the Grim Reaper. "Hey, am I going to Heaven or Hell? Or is that supposed to be something St. Peter will tell me when I get there?" Psyga said. "[i]Are you the Ruby Rose?[/i]" Was what was asked. "Huh?" She looked around before Tear noticed that Charlie was talking about her. "Oh, me? Why do you think I'm some sort of jewel flower? Or some celebrity? I'm the Grim Reap- ACK!" Psyga grabbed Tear by the robe and spun her around. "Shit, I knew this hood was too red to be the Grim Reaper's." Psyga thwaped the hood off her head and revealed a young girl's face. She had black hair with the ends of her hair turning dark red and silver eyes. "OOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAH!" Guitar Riffs sounded as Psyga fell to the ground clinging onto his chest in pain. "Th-that's so moe... I might just pass out..." He muttered. Suddenly Rattlesnake Jake stepped in. "OH FUCK YEAH!" He couldn't hold it in any more. Psyga got up and began to yell out. "RATTLE-FUCKIN'-SNAKE WITH A MOTHAFACKING MACHINE GUN!" Something ticked in Tear as she ran off to gush about Rattlesnake Jake. "OOOOOH! SWEET! HE'S GOT A GATLING GUN FOR A TAIL! OOOOOOH, I'M SO JELLY!" She began to yell. Psyga paused and glanced at Tear. "So... A cute girl like you is posing as the Grim Reaper." He said. Tear turned around. "Huh? N-no! I'm not cute! I'm dark and edgy and all that cool stuff! Watch who you're talking to, old, lipsticky man!" She said. "Wait, I'm what?" He said.