Is this still open? Name: Samuel "Shemp" Thistle Age: 16 Appearance: 5 foot seven Caucasian male with a solid musculature and short black hair. Blue eyes. It's clear that his nose has been broken at least once. Animal: Mantis Shrimp Bio: "Hey, buddy, can have a second. No, no, no, put that down, I'm not on that list. Well you know, the list...the list....y'know, of potential subjects? Don't look so surprised, there are a bunch of teenagers locked up in here with nothing to do but talk. Did you really think it wouldn't get out? No wait, look, come back, come back, no need to unleash the hounds it's just a rumor. Though, seeing how you reacted..." "Look buddy, you seem like a straight shooter so I'm gonna shoot straight with you: I want in. No, look, I'm only not on that list because I'm getting out in a few weeks. Listen, all I did was punch the wrong guys son, it wasn't even a real fight, the dickhead cut me in line and then looked all smug about it. Maybe I kicked him too, doesn't matter, point is his dad was the district attorney so here I am. But my lawyer uncovered the dirty business, got me a retrial, I'm through that and out in a few weeks. But, see, there's this guy in block D. Sex offender, real creep, I could go mess him up and that's felony assault right there, double my original sentence. Enough for you, right?" "Wait, wait, wait, look, okay, let me just list the advantages, okay? Reason number one, I'm not a basehead. Reason number two, I'm not some psycho murderer who could potentially just, y'know, go off at any moment. Number three, I want to do this so I won't be resentful or nothing. I won't be plotting your death and planning to escape or anything like that. Reason number four; I watch [b]a lot[/b] of animal planet. Look, help me out here! I'm in my twelfth foster home, I'm crap in school, I've got no prospects now or in the near future. I have no future but to be some wage-slave, moving boxes or digging holes for a living. So I don't care if you have to inject me with praying mantis DNA, or irradiate a hyena and let it maul me, or dump me into a vat of molten whale, whatever, I don't care,[i] I want it.[/i]" "What do you say?"