[b][/b] Alto looked over the message he'd typed out on his phone. His finger hovering over the send button. Looking up, he saw his targets, Elijah and Nightingale, as well as someone he didn't know. Obviously, they were discussing something or other. He was considering sending the message to his mysterious employer, but at the moment he really didn't know what to do. He could just send the message, which would complete the job and maybe free up the rest of the night. On the other hand, he could jump down from his rooftop and ask them what they were talking about. In all honesty, he was liking the latter option more. Not for any particular reason, just that he like being a loose canon. It got you into more interesting situations. It had been a massive pain in the ass trying to track them down, he'd spent all day doing it. They were good at covering their tracks. He'd tried a lot of things to try and find them, but he ended up using surveillance footage anyway. There were very few cameras that even caught a glimpse of their vehicle, but he was able to follow a very vague trail to the general area where they would be. He'd spent the previous hour or two trying to find their stolen vehicle, when he had chanced upon the dude he was looking at which he didn't know. The dude was in what appeared to be stealth gear. It was kind of getting dark, but he still looked a little bit weird because he was walking in the middle of a civilian area. Alto didn't know what that guy wanted, and he couldn't hear the conversation properly from his vantage point. He wasn't that close because he didn't want to be noticed, but it was proving slightly detrimental. From what he could make out, the black-ops guy was maybe trying to get them into his car? And Elijah didn't look keen on moving. Nightingale looked like someone on standby, sort of standing just at the door of what was probably their hideout. [i]Probably shouldn't send the message yet.[/i] He decided. Peeking out from his hiding spot, he scouted the way around so that he could move as stealthily as possible. Route planned, he took an extremely roundabout route to his target. He circled around the meeting, a house or two between him and the trio at all times. Coming out from behind their hideout, he tried as silently as he could to climb over the fence and creep up to the back door. He tried the doorknob, and it didn't budge. [i]Damn it.[/i] He thought silently. [i]Roof it is.[/i] Getting up on a roof is an extremely difficult task to do quietly, but somehow Alto manage it. Making himself as small as possible, he crawled up as far as he dared, hoping that no one had noticed him. Then again, he was also kind of hoping someone did.