((Collab Post between Letter Bee and Aura)) As the Aperture Corp car arrived within sight of Avalon, Aperture's privatized prison, they heard what could be a whirring of helicopter rotors, which in turn came from a craft that held the FBI insignia, a craft that seemed to come from the clouds themselves. The men would feel surprised, and, furthermore, stunned, as the time for open conflict with the FBI hadn't come yet, and they were still technically under Government authority. However, what cause had the FBI to interfere in Aperture affairs, at least this time? This question was answered when a voice sounded from a loudspeaker in the helicopter, which said: "Patient #7796, also known as Abigail Rose, has been remanded to the custody of the FBI. She is not to be taken to the Sleeper Facility, Avalon, but rather to be transferred to FBI custody. Failure to do this will consitute several charges, among them..." The Aperture members paused a while to talk among themselves, trying to think of a response. Starting to feel edgy Abagail was about to start making the guards let her go, or at least forget about her presence for a moment while she ran as far as she could get. That plan was quickly swept under the rug though when a helicopter came out of nowhere tearing apart the bushes and trees nearby. This seemed to me getting more and more serious by the moment and not liking the idea of going with either parties she dropped her new favorite painting on to the ground. Standing still she willed those around her to remember their biggest loss. Soon she hope she would be away from these two muscley men and towards an art store to pick up some new paints and easels. The Aperture men fell down, crying, and she can hear sounds of weeping from the FBI plane, too. However, as quickly as she started sprinting for it...something darted out from the helicopter - a drone! Said drone was clearly new, shaped like a sphere resembling the interrogation droid from Star Wars: A New Hope, but white and chrome instead of black, and much more nimble. No, in closer resemblance, it resembled a smaller Death Star, and it was shining with deflector shields. Abigail didn't know this, but the drone was remote-controlled, and, furthermore, was equipped with Metahuman-made stunning lasers. And, well, it fired said stunning lasers at her. Leaving the crying grown men Aby ran as fast as her legs would carry her. She didn't know if she would get too far before they started to recover so she looked behind her hoping that she couldn't see them. Instead she saw a flying metal ball coming after, she stopped for a moment in shock at the droid. It only lasted a moment though as a blast of electricity ran through her body. In shock and pain she fell to the floor and then she was no longer conscious enough to wonder what she had gotten herself into. Several FBI members, now freed from her power, took away the young woman and carried her off to the helicopter, where more drones were waiting just in case she woke up. It seemed as though the Reform Faction had won this day.