Aruna found herself outside the gate, staring at it for a second while trying to catch her bearings before proceeding inside. It was no surprise that she wasn't warmly welcomed here but it was the only home she really knew or had which is why it drew her back every so often. She carefully pulled off her cloak, storing it in her 'basket' for now so it would be safe and proceeded in through her own secret entrance. Most of the people ignored her, shunning her as if she were invisible and others gave her strange looks or those of disgust which was nothing new for her so Aruna did her best to just focus on where she was headed. It was a little house at the end of the gate, one of the first to be made here and of course one of the most respected since people viewed her grandmother as strong for rising up against the "shame" of her family. They were all sure that one day Aruna would be just like the others and be unable to come back but it wasn't like anyone there had given her a choice. A light knock on the door, she waited till the elderly woman answered but felt the awkwardness instantly as the smile slipped from the others lips. "Oh, it's you dear. Come on in, no need to stand in the doorway." She stepped in, closing the door gently behind her as she did before following her grandmother into the kitchen. Aruna took a seat while watching her grandmother cook and move about the kitchen a strange silence settling in the room. "I did not expect you. Why have you come back?" "Don't worry, it isn't to tell you that I have found someone if that is what you are implying." "Watch it child! Don't put words in my mouth. It isn't like I am unhappy to see you." her grandmother snapped, not even taking the time to look at her as she spoke. "I came back to visit you and make sure that you were alright. I only have one family member left." Aruna said softly, watching as her grandmother tense at those words. Aruna knew that her grandmother was hurt by the death of her father but never spoke of it because it was forbidden to speak of the banished. It had only been brought up once when Aruna had first arrived at this small home. Her grandmother has told her to get rid of her mother's cloak since the sight of it offended her and she had instantly said no, that she would not part from it. That is when their relationship was strained....her grandmother blaming her mother for the death of her father and cursing every outsider that had shamed the family. Aruna had been hurt by these comments but if her grandmother loved her father with his mixed blood then she could be loved by her too. That thought was shattered at seven years this was as close as they could get. "Yes, well as you can see I am fine.....Aruna...I.." her grandmother started, looking at her with those large yellow eyes that held something she didn't quite understand. "Yes?" she questioned, curious to what might be said. "Nevermind. I don't have a room made up yet since I wasn't expecting you but I can make one up if you planned to stay. I actually planned to clean out that room yesterday but haven't been able to do much lately...maybe old age is finally creeping up on me." "I thought you said you were feeling alright?" Aruna said, worry creeping up on her fast. "Oh, hush it is nothing to worry about. You should worry more about wondering around in the outside. It isn't safe and you should stay here." "I am not going to stay where I am unwelcome." "You are not unwelcomed. You act as though you are banished Aruna. Why can't you live here? This is where you belong!" "Everyone acts as though I am invisible or a stain on existence. How is that welcome?" "You are an impossible child! Why can't you just be..." "Why can't I just be what? Like everyone else? Tell me how cause I would love to know! I would love to know how I can have everyone approve of me." Aruna yelled, feeling herself choke up and tears starting to build up. Her grandmother looked guilty, not having a word to say on the matter because they both knew exactly when everyone truly wrote her off and the only way they would approve of her was what was told to be impossible. "You know, I should probably be going. It was nice to see you...." she said, holding back tears as she ran out of the house and using speed to get herself the rest of the way out. She leaned up against the gate, tilting her head up to the sky as she tried to keep the tears back. Aruna pulled out her cloak, draping it over her shoulders before speeding off once more. She just needed to get away from there as fast as possible and she didn't care where. The tears in her eyes stung and everything seemed blurry, the sun not seeming to help as it seemed even brighter but she was sure it was because of the tears that refused to stop. The world flew by fast, no worries to slowing down or saving energy so she didn't get dizzy or collapse.