Kalinda followed, then studying Michael put the new suit on. She pursed her lips, clearly dissecting the suit, Michael and the chances of no one recognizing him. They were pretty good, she thought. If you didn't know Michael. Or rather,'if you didn't know him like she did. But then, anyone with a trained eye could see the way he held himself, moved, acted, was pure Michael Stark. People often underestimated body language and how it could be just as unique as finger prints. "It's good" she said softly, "but you just need to chance how you walk, move. Do things. Maybe add something so you seem taller. And then, no one will be able to Recognise you" she said, "I don't know if anyone else would be able to recognize you, based on your body language and the way you hold yourself, but we can never be too careful" she said,