[center]this seems like it could get good is there room for one more? Name: Eris "Psycho" Schmit Age:15 Appearance: [img=http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608055180670600048&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0] Animal an 11 ft 16 lb Black-Headed Bushmaster Gaboon viper hybrid Bio Doctor: *Doctor and [Redacted] walk into room* do you know why you are here Ms.Schmit Eris: Of course I do.... Umm but can you remind me one more time please [Redacted]:you are here you have been deemed dangerous to yourself and others so you are being put here so that you can't and won't harm anyone again. I still say you should be in a mental institute you psychopath. Doctor: Thank you Mr. [Redacted], now Eris would you please tell me how you did such a thing to those two boys so that we may document this Eris: sure doc, well it was all pretty much a blur when i did it and i cant seem to focus my thoughts right but what I can remember is a lot of red and someone screaming as well as the feeling of the knife in my hand.... oh and those cute puppies, look I even have a picture of one right here *subject pulls out a blood stained picture of a blown and black doberman pup* [Redacted]: You are getting off track Ms.Schmit we also need to talk about that man whose life you took what abo- Eris: Hey we were playing tag with knives! He wasn't very good at it though *subject starts laughing hard before falling to the ground clutching head* Owww- [Redacted]: so are you going to take her off my hands Dr. [Redacted] Doctor: don't worry she'll be in good hands here [Redacted]: as long as you keep her out of the public's sight I don't care Eris: *stops holding head and stands back up* Shut the hell up and die you fucking bastards! *lunges at Doctor clawing at his face* hows this for unstable! [Redacted]: * Pulls Eris off of doctor and restrains her* Calm the hell down kid and take a nap! *Injects Eris with drug that causes her to pass out* I suggest keeping her temper under control too Doctor: I'll be sure to alert the staff who will work with her. *writes something down on clipboard* Good bye Mr. [Redacted] I hope we can meet under better circumstances next time *stands up and walks to the door holding it open* [Redacted]: Next time i'll shoot her also if you want her to do something just reward her with a piece of candy * hmm n and walks out the door* Eris:*being carried out by others* I would love another cup of tea mr. funny[/center] If you cant tell she is a bit of a scatter brain as well as a girl who is very... dangerous, will kill if she had the means to do so as well as an order