[i]The galaxy is massive, even after all these years it still hasn't been fully explored. There are always uncharted planets with their own species, wildlife and fauna. Some planets have been made into interplanetary hotspots, some are in full chaos due to wars. But there are no single governments, each planet has their own rules and regulation, what may be legal on one planet may be illegal on others. Armies are not common, only the most powerful planets have those. So the more common fighters in the galaxy are pirates or Mercenaries. This story though, follows the incredible story of a mercenary guild called Tesera. This is their story.[/i] --- [i]On board the Tesera cruiser[/i] Orion: As Orion browsed the major lists of merc contracts available, he sipped on his coffee. 'The new recruits need something challenging but easy at the same time... ahh here's one' He thought to himself. The contract was for helping a team of archaeologists explore a newly found ruin on a recently charted planet. The reward was any salvage the team found they could keep, and on top an additional 2 million Gio. The job was simple, easy and pretty rewarding. He grabbed the ship loudspeaker mic, "Good morning, evening or whatever time of the day it is all. I want the team ready to go and in the control room in 10 minutes. Orion out." Jett: As Jett sat meditating in his quarters he heard Orion call everyone to the control room he whipped his tail over to his gun and grabbed it. "About time." he quietly said to himself. He got up and covered the horns that reside on his head with his scarf and placed his gun on his back. His three Katanas resided on the wall were placed in his sheaths and placed on his belt. He opened the door to his quarters and proceeded down the hall into the control room. "Orion give me a sit rep before everyone else arrives." As Orion explained the situation Jett sat at his usual spot and listened intently. "So we're testing the new recruits capabilities?" "Very much so." "So the normal evaluation or the hardcore one?" "The latter please." "Roger that." They finished off their conversation as everyone else started to arrive...