[quote=louie221] Without opening his eyes, Jonah moved his hands around the floor. No, not floor. Ground, grass, dirt. It felt a bit odd, and he got a strange feeling in his stomach. Was he just having a lucid dream? His eyes flung open, the sun blinding him for a moment. He let out a gasp, blinking rapidly. Finally, his eyes adjusted and he got a good look at where he was. The first thing he realized were the bright colors of wherever he was. Purple grass, and oddly shaped trees, a very colorful sky. He pushed himself from the ground, wobbling a bit before gaining his balance. Right as he stood up, a loud voice was clearly angry at somebody. He turned his head, looking to where the shout had come from. A woman was yelling at another guy who seemed to have just woken up, similar to his own situation. He started walking toward them, but his eyes were soon staring right back at the purple grass. It was strange, maybe some freak accident in nature? But then the sky... and the trees. This couldn't be real, he was having a dream. Or so it seemed."H-hey... Where the hell are we?" [/quote] Alex looked towards the new voice. "The hell are you doing here too?" her voice wasn't necessarily mean, just rudely confused. She sighed. "Seriously, why am I even talking to you guys? You're just my blubbering subconscious, 'rising above the surface, trying to find a [i]new meaning.'[/i]" Alex imitated her therapist's snobby high-pitched voice.