Jake woke up by the usual method. Twenty minutes before he was suppose to he felt a giant roar right in his ear. Jake jumped up with a start and looked next to his bed and saw the culprit looking up at him. The Lion seemed rather pleased with himself. He looked like an old Terra lion except for the whole being made of metal and packing heat. From what Jake knew of the past, he knew that this was not how they use to be. Kubwa huffed at his handler and Kimya walked over. The lions clearly wanted him up. "Alright! Alright! I'm up... Lord... " Jake said jumping up. The Lions walked off and Wa sat down next to Jake. "What? What am I missing?" He asked as an image appeared in his head. It showed that he needed to be in the control room."Thanks, Wa..." He grumbled pulling on his shirt and walked out the door with his pets walking behind him. A few minutes later he walked over to the control room. The lions sauntered behind him as he walked by himself. He was communicating with the trio just as he walked. He was in his own little world.