"We'll follow you!" Isa called to him. "Besides, we'll know exactly where everything this is. It's a second home to Arty and I." It then dawned on Timothy that Arty and Isa were pet names- They were boyfriend and girlfriend. His ears got slightly red as he approached the art room. He then heard a very loud laugh from Isabella, which scared the heck out of him. He hunched slightly as he neared the art room. He decided to close the door behind him so that nobody would see his ears being so red. He closed the door quietly, making sure nobody was with him. He then just realized that the others were following him, and the rest of his face was slightly flushed. It wasnt too long before he got the blankets. He stood by the door and took a few breaths, trying to return the correct color to his face. He emerged and began towards the library.