"The central office for the FBI has been destroyed. Meaning to me, the chain of command has been shattered it'll be a while before they get their ducks in a row long enough to worry about where I am. Wounded pride will take a higher priority. Case in point, you're here... Alone. Whoever is on the roof is an independent contractor." He could only hope he was right. As he stood there looking into unblinking eyes he knew he was talking a former solder. He wasn't regular army, no this man commanded too much respect and attention to be regular army. Rangers? MRASOC? SEAL team? It would be impossible to tell by talking to him. However if hair was any indication, he was SEAL team, probably SOCOM. He was almost proud that who ever sent him felt like commanded so much. "Tell you what, I'm not too hard to get along with. You can ask your questions here. In there." Elijah said thumb pointed at the door. "Or you can tell me if this this thing has a a Hemi init and get the fuck out of here. You walking through that ain't anymore if a trap than us getting than truck." He was again smiling and trying to avoid a conflict. He did however have places to go and things to do.