"Sure," spoke Constantine to Light, "go in first; perhaps you might find either evidence, or additional survivors. Actually, I would like you to go head for the communications bunker; I'll show you the way with my powers." And with that, the man sent out an image of the map to the comm bunker direct to Light's eyes and brain. Should Light go to the comm bunker, or dig her way inside, she would find Cedric and William, the former a 15-year old kid clad in child-sized military gear, with brown hair and blue eyes and looking like a child star, only more rugged. The latter, meanwhile, was a tanned soldier with blond hair dyed black, and eyes that were blue. Both looked...wary of Light's coming, especially William. "Have you come to rescue us?" spoke Cedric. "Did Elena and Constantine send you?" ------ Once Light had left, Constantine would answer Bio-Beast/John Hammer. "Standards? Well, no killing civilians, no [i]excess[/i] collateral damage to property, and make sure to capture if it's possible for you to do so. Killing is allowed only if there's no other alternative." [i]I want to kill someone, but that's just me; I won't force my views on others, at least not now.[/i] "Right now, though," he spoke, thinking up an idea, "another part of your job is to be showy and distracting; you need to attract enemy attention and turn it from our attempts at rebuilding." "You and Light can work together on that."