[quote=LaXnyd] True, Isabel could probably handle herself without most of her weapons - she had enough experience by now to get by with her pistol, and her shotgun and her LMG were, admittedly, for full blown battlefields. Turning to Weiss, she was a bit surprised, not thinking that the rest of the mercenary company would get to know her yet - she had expected to be treated more or less as the cannon fodder she had fought as - skilled and talented cannon fodder, yes, but still cannon fodder nonetheless. "...Ocelot." she finally returned the smiled. "Isabel Ocelot. Pleased to meet you Weiss." Realistically, when considering her "mercenary reputation" name she had originally went back to her favourite past time. As much as "Revolver Ocelot" sounded as badass as she liked, she did not carry around a revolver - and her primary weapon was a light machine gun. She had considered various things, but no matter how much she wanted "Light Machine Gun Ocelot" or "LMG Ocelot" sounded much more like something a young child would pick for his name on an online video game rather than an established mercenary. [/quote] [i][b]Weiss[/i][/b] "Ooh... Like that Earth cat?... I think it's from Earth anyways..." She put her hand on her chin and thought about it. She knew she had heard that term before, and it was definitely a feline animal, but where it was from seemed to escape her mind. She wasn't very knowledgable when it came to other worlds' inhabitants and culture anyways. Being from a wasteland planet kind of limits your ability to travel. "I don't know." She concluded, then quickly went on. "Where are you from, Ocelot?" Weiss asked, genuinely concerned about her teammate. She believed it was important to get to know people you work with- to her at least. Especially if you were putting your life in their hands. They were approaching the control room door.