Let me know if I need to change anything at all. I tried to make her flaws as pronounced as I could so she didn't come off as Mary Sue-ish (because she's definitely not in my head), but I'm not sure if they're all that clear. Anyway, here it is: [hider=Princess Alice of Crescentia][img=https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1380374019/727902.jpg] Name: Princess Alice of Crescentia Age: 19 Appearance: The princess is of average stature for the era, and she has pale skin and mousy brown (aka dirty blonde) hair. Her eyes are a neutral hazel, and her sharp nose, small chin, and childbearing hips give her the proper noble air. She wears the dresses the nurse puts out for her, often bright in color to show her wealth, as nobles must do. She dislikes the uncomfortable garbs she must wear outside the castle, so she only wears gowns with soft fabrics and things of that sort when she plans on staying inside to work all day. Personality: Not given much of a chance for a childhood due to having been thrust into a position of power so young, Alice is fairly serious and placid, not entirely in tune with her own emotions, for better or for worse. Duty and justice are of utmost importance to her, and due to her direct enforcement of her country’s laws with her elderly parents’ inability to do so any longer, she has been taking a more prominent role in making sure that justice is served and that each citizen is both safe and providing for the country in one way or another, whether it be by farming or keeping the economy afloat with trade. History: Princess Alice was born to her two royal parents, coming from noble blood for generations. As such, she was groomed to be the heir to the throne from a very young age, taught to read, write, and reason. Her nurse in secret taught her to lead, and some of the castle knights taught her preliminarily to fight, at least enough to defend herself from immediate danger before fleeing. She was already quite a well-rounded person on the surface at sixteen, when her parents began to lose their competence. Gradually, she gained more and more control over her family’s nation, and continued the regime of peace and prosperity. However, once notified of the border disturbances, the young ruler became determined to root out the source of the problem and put a stop to it at once. Weapons: The princess has access to a very small knife for self-defense purposes only, but she is not a trained soldier by any means, and would struggle with more than one opponent at once greatly. However, her guard and adviser keep her safe from most harm anyways, so she doesn’t always carry her knife anymore. Abilities: Alice can read well enough and write to a degree (though she dictates important documents to avoid catastrophe), and can handle herself well at a formal event such as a ball or a banquet. Her public speaking skills are ones she has honed for obvious reasons, so she prides herself on them quite a bit. The princess has been taught how to escape certain dangerous situations, but due to her lack of practice, she is a bit rusty, to say the least. Other: Though the princess is no-doubt competent and her fair skin, mousy brown hair, and wide hips make her fairly attractive, she has refused to settle down (to her parents’ disappointment), citing reasons such as putting the country first. She has also been known to work for hours upon hours and later spend only a few hours sleeping before getting back to work, and her adviser and servants haven’t heard a peep out of her about her feelings about anything at all besides some mutters about injustice needing to be rooted out since she was perhaps fifteen. Who knows how much longer she can last with this fragile shell threatening to break at every breeze?[/hider]