Weiss was slightly disappointed when Ocelot didn't answer the Ocelot question, as she was extremely bothered by the fact that she couldn't put her finger on it. She didn't show it though, as she was still eager to get to know Isabel. "Oh. I hope you're not offended if I say I've never heard of it. I've only heard of a select few worlds in my time here." She said, giving herself an excellent lead to follow up with an answer to the next question. "Sounds a heck of a lot better than my home though. I'm from Torcerria; have you ever heard of it?" She asked as she entered the control room with all the others. Weiss gave a look that implied she'd be willing to explain it to her if she hadn't. [i][b]June[/i][/b] June entered the control room before Weiss and Isabel had. She looked around the room to see who all was present, and her focus stopped on one man in particular. He was wearing the same suit of armor as he was wearing that day. The African-American "Demon", as her people called them, who had played a large role in killing her closest teammates and leaving her to live for some inexplicable reason. She stared, jaw dropped, at the man, and her instincts kicked in. She feared he would recognize her, but just as she went to go stand as fa away from him as possible, he saw her and waved, giving her an odd look. She then quickly straightened herself up and caught her cool as she came to the realization that the man wouldn't recognize her anyways. She looked entirely different than she did that day. She sheepishly smiled and gave a quick wave back, and prepared to be briefed.