[hider=Melissa Bellum][center][img=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bt31_8sCMAAyMoa.jpg:large][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Melissa Bellum [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Personality:[/b] Eccentric. Shattered. Possibly insane. All these and more are but the bare minimum of what can be described of Melissa Bellum. Of course, most people wouldn’t get the chance to learn that maybe this weird little girl is really just a big softie on the inside. That’s usually because most people would shriek and recoil in fear at her mismatched physical appearance. Regardless, Melissa tries her hardest not to let the whispers of others decrease her happiness and worth in life. Always walking around with a smile, it’s obvious to anyone who knows her that she only puts on the emotions people want to see from her. Inside, she’s really just a girl who’s self-conscious of her ways but tries to overlook them with a laugh or two. Even if it does make her sad sometimes. That being said, there are some moments in which Melissa can act genuinely….creepy. That is to say, she will speak of death and other methods to bring harm to her foes. Spending some time as a forced spy probably has something to do with that kind of jarred mentality. [b]History:[/b] Melissa hails from a small kingdom in the nation of Rexicorg. Thinking of times like those wrought in the past, the rouge knight can merrily say that times were indeed peaceful for a while. As a knight of the Sable Kingdom, she served her own princess in the line of honor and duty. And for that portion of her early life, she was happy. A single night sought to tear that ideal lifestyle away from her forever. A warlord titled only as Yggdrasil of the Ultimatum destroyed her kingdom in the span of a few hours. Her castle burned. Her family and friends slain. Her princess beheaded before her eyes. She was spared such fates, though now she was placed in a much crueler life. Captured and beaten, Melissa was tortured vigorously until her loyalty was swayed to that of the Ultimatum’s will, directly resulting in the loss of her right eye and the scars on her chest. Her new purpose was clear. She was to be a spy, infiltrating kingdoms and assassinating their leaders from within, making way for her new master to ride unopposed. To go from a knight of nobility and to be reduced into a filthy killer….shameful. Melissa’s own mentality began to deteriorate at the horridness brought about by her own existence. Her latest mission involved an attempt to assassinate the lone princess of Crescentia. Ultimately her luck ran out, and she was captured by Crescentian forces and brought before the very princess she had planned to kill. Now she waits in one of the castle holding cells, awaiting execution. Or maybe…not? [b]Weapons:[/b] Melissa carries with her a sheathed sword, much akin to a curved rapier of sorts. It serves as a reminder of her own fall from grace and the pathetic shell she now is today. As a former knight, she is trained expertly in the art of swordplay. [b]Abilities:[/b] In terms of other powers and abilities, Melissa only knows some meager spells of the dark arts, though she’s always yearning to acquire some more. As of now, all she can do is hurl blasts of dark power as projectiles, erect shadowy shields, and invoke a certain amount of irrational fear in her enemies. [b]Other:[/b] Carries with her a small rabbit doll given to her by her mother at some point in her childhood. Will sometimes be seen communicating with the doll, calling it “Miranda”.[/hider] [hider=Yggdrasil][center][img=http://static.plaync.co.kr/powerbook/aion/96/72/21dc1410ee9effbd525580a5.jpg][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Yggdrasil, Leader of the Ultimatum [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Personality:[/b] Yggdrasil's persona is usually aloof and stoic, guarding his inner most thoughts only to himself. That being said, he is an extreme advocate for both his cause and his order, claiming that war and strife is necessary to achieve true peace. He can appear cold and cruel at times but dismisses such behavior as simply being the most effective in any given situation. Not much else is known about him other than that. [b]Weapon:[/b] A weapon sung of its power in multiple legends, the Ouroboros is said to take the form of a massive collaboration between a claymore, a hammer, and a cannon; the hammer makes up the hilt of the weapon while the claymore's blade is seen in full worth. Finally, the nuzzle of a mighty steel cannon is seen melded to the tip of the sword portion. As expected, the platinum weapon can fire either streams or concentrated shots of pure magical energy of all kinds with power equivalent to a battalion and or serve as an impressive melee tool. Yggdrasil is fully adept in the art of magic, able to freely to conjure up spells of many, if not, all elements. [b]Brief History:[/b] Not much is known about Yggdrasil's personal origin but the organization, with which he leads, the Ultimatum, has since become a threat to the world and its kingdoms. What are their goals?[/hider]