[quote=LaXnyd] "It's alright, Masara's a small backwater place. I'd be more surprised if people heard of it." she assured Weiss. After all, nothing exciting ever happened there and it was just one planet among millions."Torcerria?" Isabel asked as they approached the control room. "I can't say I know much about it. I think one of the passing pilots said something in the bar back home, but that was too long ago. Sorry." she apologized. Most of her information on the outside world - prior to joining the mercenary business, of course - came from the talk - and outright bragging - of starship captains and crew back home and she knew that those were as reliable as a cheap gun sold for 50 Gio. [/quote] [i][b]Weiss[/b][/i] "It's not that surprising that you don't know much about my home either," she said. Her tone became a bit more somber. "My own kind destroyed our home long before I was born," she started. "About one hundred and fifty years ago, five different factions had formed, and each wanted to overthrow the present governing body and usurp control. The war ended with a marginal victory for the government, but the war destroyed the landscape of nearly every corner of the world. The government was so weak and incapable of putting down the anarchy that arose that they eventually dissolved as well, leaving the remaining population to fend for themselves in a lawless world." She brightened back up the moment she finished, and exclaimed, "At least, that's only what I know. Pretty hard to learn about the history of your planet when you grew up in a Wasteland. People stopped writing historical texts a long time ago." She giggled at her joke. "Occasionally we got off-world mercenaries coming to scavenge some of our lost technology, since we had been advanced enough at that point to have some technology that the galaxy doesn't even know of yet today, but they were mostly hostile toward us." She finished her story and looked around at who all was already here. She figured there'd be more, but she shrugged at the small revelation.