[quote=Touch of Insanity] Alright, today at work (I work at McDonalds and go to school full time) a place I’ve been working for over a year, I’ve gotten my first death threat. It’s something I never saw coming. I work the drive thru, and yes I’ve dealt with my fair share of angry people, but nothing like this. The lady had ordered two coffees. I handed her the first and then the second. The way the lids are set up, there is a little spot that will sometimes get coffee on the lid. Being stupid, she turned the coffee on its side enough that it had a little drop on her jeans. She FLIPED OUT. I start to help her, trying to calm her down. I don’t even get the manger thinking I can handle this. However, when she turned to me with a calm but angry look in her eyes and said “I’m going to fucking kill you” I didn’t know how to react. So I stood there with this lame smile on my face, trying not to really take in what just happened. My brain thought to get my manger right away, but I didn’t want to freak out. I wanted to handle it myself. A moment later she drove off angrily and I turned to my manger and told her I just got a death threat. Just telling the manager, seemed to send my emotions into a kick. I started to tear up. It wasn’t that I was scared, but I was freaked out. I see myself as an overly nice person, never got in fights, hates conflict, a people pleaser. So my questions are, have you ever gotten a death threat? How did you react? Also feel free to comment on what happened in my story as well. ~Touch of Insanity. [/quote] No death threat, but was physically assaulted. I told the son of a bitch that respect was earned, not commanded and he needed to get out of my store. My coworker was sneaking up behind him with something heavy at the time; he was drunk as hell and in my face yelling. The other coworker was the real candyass of this piece -- he had a phone right there and didn't dial 911. Luckily, the big stupid drunk bastard got the hell out of my face and out of my store. My advice is that if you are worried about your safety, do whatever it takes to get out of the situation. I had limited options and was fully expecting this cocksucker to swing at me -- he was that damn close and I wasn't going to go down like a total wimp. In your case, if you have anything between you and them, close it and yell for help.