[Derek] The students do what you have instructed, one by one, they shuffle up towards the teacher's desk, now yours, and dump their backpack on the floor, and empty their pockets. One boy puts his backpack down meekly, then when turning out his pockets, he lunges at you with a swiss army knife. You catch his wrist, twist his knife arm behind his back, forcing him onto his knees. "It seems that someone here is being disobedient," you say tauntingly. The boy struggles more at your comment. You pry the object from his hand, flip him over, and begin to strangle him. "Even after all these warnings I have given you, it appears that some of you are still acting foolishly. I gave those two fairly swift deaths, but that apparently has to change to get this message across," you say in a menacing voice, hands slowly constricting the victim's throat. The class retreats to the shadows of the room, paralyzed by terror. The boy in your hands flails around in vain, unable to stop his inevitable death. You laugh insanely, "You know, guns were always too impersonal for me. There's nothing like it, ending a life with your own bare hands." The students start wailing in fear, only growing silent when you shoot them a glare. [i]Such a nuisance, how weak people react to death.[/i] The light dies from your victim's eyes and you decide that extra warnings should be placed. You walk over to the other two dead corpses, sever their heads, and prop them on your desk, facing the class. You do the same with the person you just killed, lining the decapitated heads neatly across. You smile at them sadistically, "Who's next?" A timid girl obliges and walks forward, dropping all of her gear and turning out her pockets. And the process continues. Once all the gear had been collected, you begin to organize the supplies. You create separate piles for food, water, weapons, materials, electronics, valuables/money, medical supplies, other useful items, and miscellaneous objects. After doing that, you place them in separate cabinets and lock them. At this point, a bold classmate walks towards you and says, "I want to join you." You turn to him and ask, "Why do you wish to join?" He replies stiffly, "Because I want power and you offer it. That and I always thought survival of the fittest would be fun." You think for several moments, judging his true intentions, you smile and hold out a hand to shake, "Welcome aboard then." The boy shakes your hand graciously. "What's your name again?" you always had issues remembering the insignificant lives around you. "Errr, my name is Nicholas Jackson." "Alright then, Nicholas, you will have to prove your loyalty first." He nods and asks eagerly, "Okay, what do I have to do? Oh and there are others who want to join you too." Several others step forward, fearful, but in awe of your position. You hear several hostile whispers from the rest of your classmates, "Traitors!" You take a step forward threateningly towards the dissenters and say loudly, "These people have made a move in the right direction. Which some of you still, have not." You seize one of the complainers and slit her throat. The body crumples to the ground in front of the group of dissenters and they back away quickly. "The people that join me shall be rewarded, the rest of you aren't punished necessarily, but will be if you resist," you motion to your group of followers, "Come with me." They follow you outside the classroom, excited. Shouldering a bag of supplies, you eliminate the three zombies by the door swiftly. "Alright, here is what we're going to do. We're going to recruit more people and pick up supplies along the way. And figure out the situation." "What are we going to do about the students in the classroom? What if they try to escape?" Nicholas asks. "Don't worry. These doors can be locked both ways," you twist the lock on the other side and close the door, "Now they can't escape even if they want to." "Which is good since we don't want word getting out," concedes Nicholas. You shoot him a look of approval. [i]Perhaps he will be of good use to me.[/i] You faintly hear the sounds of someone desperately fighting up ahead. You narrow your eyes, "Let's go investigate that."