The N1-L3's external video feed revealed the tiny elf shooting up toward it. The yellow elf-thing clung to its metal skin. The avionics alarms faded a bit. A sense of calm washed over the N1-L3. That was the Earth. It was right [i]there[/i]. It existed. Metal groaned in contentment, errant bolts settled and popped noisily into place. In the background, the N1-L3 noted several other people getting excited in its general direction. Then the cat attached itself to the rocket. It was of no consequence; the calming yellow elf was far more important. The elf was near the hatch to the LOK lunar orbiter. If the N1-L3 could keep the little elf inside, take care of her, maybe it would feel less confused. Maybe the elf would stay with the N1-L3, and its stress would just melt away... The N1-L3 opened the LOK's hatch, trying to be inviting. Opening the hatch let microphones pick up voices outside the rocket. What year was it? [b]"2014. Or 1974,"[/b] the N1-L3 silently transmitted into radio waves. [b]"Internal clocks say 1974, but I remember-"[/b] suddenly the N1-L3 remembered who it was - [b]"hitting post in 2014. Wait, hold on. Did I fall asleep on my computer? This is a strange dream. If I am dreaming, AND I'm aware of it, then it's a lucid dream. Yes! I love lucid dreams! Let's see. Behind me is a Stargate, and because I said it and this is my dream, that makes it true!"[/b] The N1-L3 gently fired its attitude control thrusters and spun around. Nothing. [b]"Hmm. Okay. Guess I'm a little rusty at lucid dreaming,"[/b] it transmitted.