[Matt] Lunch break over, you pull aside the wood blocking the shop doors and cautiously push your heaping cart into the hallway. Zombies wouldn't be too much of an obstacle, you were more worried about them knocking the cart over and wasting a lot of your time. You wheel the cart quickly down clear hallways and push cautiously around corners. Stright down the drama hallway, left at the end and then right at the art room, straight down past the 9th grade hallway and Humanities area to MST. You encounter only a single zombie along the way, and only have to pause briefly to deal with it. The spear performs wonderfully, splitting the zombie's skull with one powerful thrust. Precision wasn't necessary when your weapon and strength was enough for a fatal blow. You saw some scared students along the way and directed them to the media center. You figured it was as safe a place as any. Finally at MST, you park the cart in front of the currently useless elevator. The zombies wouldn't touch the cart, and there was no real reason for students or teachers to be messing with a cart piled high with wood. The power tools were at the bottom of the cart, hidden from sight. [i]All that's left is to gather people to help close the breach and we should finally be secure.[/i] You begin to walk toward the media center once more. 2:00pm