Humans..They were such strange creatures. For the ancient Dragon that was travelling with them, Gore couldn't tell whether or not they were ignorant or simply lacked concern for whom they brought with him. No, he didn't think this from how they acted but instead, how they reacted. The younger of the males were so tense that the Dragon felt like if he were to pick him up, he'd break him just from the mere touch of his form. The others..his mistress included brought the older brother to her. Looking back at them, The Blood Dragon stared for a moment, noticing that she too was staring at him. With a sigh, he shook his head. [i] 'Should I hold my tongue or be honorable to my mistress and tell her the truth..again.' [/i] With a shrug and without faulting on his sway, The new property of his young mistress spoke out. "Mistress, I hear all of what you and your brother are saying..Leaning into one another and whispering nay aids your cause." With that, the dragon simply carried on his way toward where ever they were taking him. Looking around, he did notice that the streets were still somewhat empty and it caused him to question..just why didn't the humans let him carry them home. The night sky is perfect for flying and if he were high enough, he could get by without being noticed with so few out. Looking at Sigmund, Gore's dark teal eyes seemed to loom there for a moment before continuing. "..Aye lad, though how many seasons do you hold to believe I had been in conflict with you young ones?..The seasons had passed and the flames that had filled my heart simply grew too tiresome to continue the onslaught. So it fell upon me a simple truth..Your kind will simply die out, and I and my brothers and sisters will remain. Thus a question must be asked, how do -you- view a death?" Asked the Blood Dragon. "Hah if it is from the memories lost, or even the seasons spent nay with those you love..Then imagine how small your lives are compared to a Dragons, is it truly the same if I crush every warrior your kind had sent to me? Would it even measure to the time even one of my people would spend in this realm? If it is of lost memories and seasons stolen from ones death, I am a murderer aye, but your kind?..Are genocidal." With that, Gore blinked. Did he really just say that? The Blood Dragon was trying to follow what his mistress may want but at the same time, he couldn't ignore the remaining rage that still loomed within him. When he first started to speak about simply waiting for them to die, it sounded more like him just talking, as if he had some -other- reason for stopping and judging from the look in his eyes, it was obvious. That's when something shocked him. Sigmund got close and caused Gore's eyes to go wide, immediately staring at the human who grabbed onto his shoulders. "..Lacking a sound mind may lead to ones end much sooner than later." Said the Blood Dragon, tilting his head at him. "Aye it may be true I have not roamed the realm of man in a many season, that said..your kind have changed little. If I were to tell you the true origins of your kind enslaving mine, of the days before man and after, you will be branded a liar and at the very least will be cast out of your current most, they will take you and..well, what your people call re-educate, I view it as torture. Trust me when I say that The Order will stand against what you may write of my past.." The Dragon spoke as if he had witnessed something like that already, shaking his head. "Besides..whom is to believe a tale spun by a Dragon, would you truly follow what had occurred nay matter the cost?" After saying that, Gore saw the siblings start to intervene and try and convince 'Siggy' otherwise. With a nod, Gore simply moved to stay outside by their home. Looking up at the sky, he just stared for a moment. "The lands change, aye..but nay you nor I." With a sigh, Gore looked at their home and started to shift into his true form when no one was looking. Despite what he did at the stadium, changing in front of humans was always going to be something he disliked. After all, it was personal for a Dragon, much like changing clothes are to humans. With that, he chose a simple spot by the home and closed his eyes, starting to rest. Wincing when he laid down at how his wings stung. What they had done to them must have hurt him and it was showing evidently now. __ The next morning, Gore had stirred lightly before his eyes shot open. Lifting his rather large head, he looked at the still darkened sky nodding as he got up, lightly shaking his body to ease off the rest of his sleepiness kind of like a dog who was removing the water from its fur. With a quick shift, he headed inside and started to look around, making sure to keep his claws wrapped up so he wouldn't scratch anything. At first he was lost, but he was using his sense of smell to guide him to the kitchen. When he got there, he saw machines that looked like blocks, staring him in the face. "..What is this contraption.." Moving closer to what appeared to be a stove, he reached out to touch it, only to see it light up, making him jump back and growl, baring his fangs at it. After a moment, he saw a spot on the machine turn red. Moving his hand over it, he felt its warmth, figuring it was something to cook their food. "....Humans.." With a scoff, he pressed the same button he had before, shutting it off. Moving over to let his senses lead him elsewhere. He found his way into the food pantry, opening it up to see a few things he could make. Grabbing some bread, he closed the pantry and stared at the cut loaf that looked smooth. "..It smells like looks different than what it use to." With a faint laugh, he moved over to the stove, grumbling at it. He could do this another way.. With that, Gore placed the bread onto the table and went to search the cabinets as well as the fridge. He may not have known what it was but he could smell what was in it, opening it, he stared at some eggs that were in a bin, taking them. In the cabinets he found a decently sized pot as well as a couple plates and some forks and knives. Now that they were also all on the table, the Blood Dragon started to look around for something, seeming a tad bit lost. When Gore was outside, he didn't see a well anywhere. "How do these damned people drink without a source of water!?" He said, staring at the sink that had remnants of water in it. Moving over to it, Gore leaned closer, trying to figure out what it was that he was looking at. Moving his claws into the sink, he felt that it was wet, only to move his face close enough to the faucet to turn it on, making him immediately bite down on it out of reflex. Water filled his mouth, making bubbles when he tried to speak. After that, he pulled his head back, wiping his mouth and putting some water into the pot, filling it about half way. Once it was filled he headed to the table and set the pot on it, picking the table up. Before leaving, he turned his head to the stove and stared daggers at it. "..Nay today..nor any day as far as I can see, filthy contraption." With another grumble, he walked outside, placing the table down on the ground. Staring at it, he took a few steps back, shifting into his true form. After a moment, he used his tail to wrap around the pot, coiling around it so that he could lift it up, breathing fire onto the bottom. After a few moments the water started to boil. Setting it down, he quickly took the eggs he found, cracking them and placing them into the boiling water. By time everyone had waken up from their slumber, Gore had practically finished cooking, even though he was still outside. Moving inside, Gore was there to greet them. "Good morning, mistress, Siggy and Eric. A meal is ready outside. I apologize for not being able to remain inside to cook, your...contraption, held true annoyance.." With a cough, he smiled, trying to lead them outside where there were plates of poached eggs, eggs that were soft and cut up onto buttered pieces of toast, that were cut into portions so they could eat them. That is until a knock came to the door...