((Collab Between Letter Bee, Mass City, and WatermelonTango)) ((Note: This is not the collab between Letter Bee and NarcsissticPotato that was spoken of in the OOC Thread; that's much later)) [b][i]StuCorp[/i][/b] Garion 'Gary' Stuart fumed. Apparently, his attempt to protect the Pro-Metahuman Protesters got shot down (which was admittedly for the better), while his attempt to protect the [i]Anti[/i]-Metahuman Protests from being killed by Supervillains also failed, and now said Anti-Metahuman protesters have [i]martyrs[/i] on their camp. And, now, the FBI Building got bombed, and the President was about to declare Martial Law. He also heard from Cedric that Elena, now the highest-ranking FBI officer in LA, refused to believe that the attack came from Aperture, even though Aperture was already conducting illegal detentions (aka detentions [i]outside[/i] of the privatized prison they already own), and inhumane human experiments. Why couldn't he just release the evidence? Simple; because Aperture had already erased the evidence as soon as it had been discovered. Nevertheless, he knew, and it was enough. He then turned towards one of his assistants, and spoke: "I need a confidence boost. Who wants me to take them through a tour of my secret projects?" Anise Gillard, one of Gary's most loyal assistants raised a hand. She has known Gary for long enough that sometimes it's best to humor him. It keeps him in good spirits to be able to show his stuff off once in awhile. She pulled out her notepad, prepared to take whatever notes she would be expected to take. "Thanks, Anise!" said Gary, smiling. "Let's do this!" And with that, the man then began walking, with a note of eagerness, towards the R&D section of StuCorp, where, a few minutes later, they arrived at a room where technicians were using remote control to move a bunch of globe-shaped droids who looked like Mini-Death Stars. The CEO of StuCorp then spoke: "As you know, one of the most paranoia-inducing Metahuman powers is Mind Control, which can ruin the cohesion of a group of sapient beings whose only ties are their loyalty to each other. Thankfully, Mind Control has a weakness that it needs a certain range in order to be effective, and outside that range, well...that's what these droids are for." He then waved to one of the technicians. "These droids can be auto-piloted or remote-controlled by personnel outside the range of any potential psychic below S-class. They also contain deflector shields, stunning lasers, robotic arms. and an instant shutdown switch that activates within one nanosecond of detecting technopathy. With these, we can capture Metahumans with Mind Control or Mind Reading as their power, and, well, put them away." He then smiled. "What do you think? You have a quick mind; can you think up any flaws in this approach, or improvements that can be made?" Anise looked over the design thoughtfully. She is well educated, having taken many courses in the various sciences in order to earn her this position and be given the honor to work at StuCorp. But she had trouble imagining any changes she'd made to such complex technology. However, in the light of recent attacks, one thing came to mind. "Robotic responders are something that everyone believes are necessary, to reduce the risk of human casualty. Can these drones be used to combat other forms of metahumans? Like explosive wielders, perhaps?" Anise finished as she eyed the strange round designs of the robots. "See, I knew you were brilliant!" spoke Gary. "Anyway, well, it depends on the explosive wielder's power. If their ability is to project explosive beams or projectiles from their hands, then these nimble droids can avoid those. If their ability is to [i]make things explode[/i], on the other hand, well, let's just say that the deflector shields grant limited protection from that kind of thing, but as said shields have to be let down for the orbs to release their stun lasers...not so much." He then smiled wryly. "Thanks for pointing that out." "And may I ask aside from your own ego for whom will you sell this to?" asked another, male, assistant, Trevor. "I mean these weapons are cool and all but we need to make money." "Already sold 100 test units to the FBI," he spoke before checking his smartphone, "and it seems as though they put them to good use, too; capturing an Emotion Controller. Other FBI branches in Seattle, San Francisco, and Portland have also decided to buy more after the attack on LA." "Yes individual FBI branches. But not the whole FBI. Boss the President landed at Andrews 20 minutes ago and flew to the White House the meeting he is having there will most likely mean martial law and not the kind where the local National Guard is running it. This is regular Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force. I have not included speial forces teams being sent to LA. You really think they'll listen to you? Their minds are made, you aren't gonna make a dent in it. No matter how cool your stuff is." Trevor sighed, "It is cool by the way." "Thanks," spoke Gary, "and, yeah, you're right; so, unless Elena somehow shells out a few dozen million dollars, we won't be able to break even unless Aperture [i]finally[/i] tips its hand and reveals its dirty laundry, which in turn is hard because, well, my brother failed to rescue the Technopath they've captured, and Elena continues to disbelieve that said Technopath was following Aperture's orders when - Let's move to other business." And with that, Gary Stu moved to another room, where a group of scientists were experimenting on what seemed to be silver circlets. "You guys have already heard my lecture on Mind Control, so I don't need to repeat it. Anyway, as you know, [i]direct resistance[/i] to Mind Control is far preferable to drones. Normally, this is achieved through mental training and exercise, but, here's a scary little fact: [i]it doesn't always work[/i]. That's why, for both our use and others, we're developing these Chrome Circlets, which, when placed on the head, guard one from Mind Control. Not merely that, but here's the thing: despite their metal exteriors, each circlet is [i]biological[/i], as in, they're made from living organisms placed within a hard shell. That makes them immune to the Technopaths my competitors are employing." "Biological methods of resisting mind control?" Anise said with an impressed expression on her face, "That's something that I've never heard of before! Do these organisms you mention require any form of upkeep, like feeding?" "They're photosyntethic; the Chrome Shells are actually a new material that allows light to enter one way, then absorbs it, meaning that most of the light isn't reflected in a way that makes it look translucent," remarked Gary, waiting for Trevor. "Okay. So what else is there with these?" asked Trevor. "Nothing," spoke Gary. "Now let's go to the next invention!" And with that, the redhead led the two to a room where two Imitation Iron Man suits were being constructed, one for an adult, and one either made for a midget or a child. "Who can guess what these are?!" he said in a sing-song voice. "You want to be Iron Man?" Trevor sighed. "Are we training a branch of specialized anti-metahuman personal?" Anise asked, wondering who else would need such elaborate equipment. "No, no," spoke Gary, "although that latter idea sounds awesome! Rather, these are for two FBI Agents, my adoptive brother Constantine - Consty to his friends - and his protege, Cedric Wessex." He then moved closer. "Fun fact, the ones behind the FBI's hiring of se[i]e[/i]cret Child Soldiers, that's Aperture, or rather, Aperture's faction in the Gov't. But soon, that piece of dirty laundry will be revealed as well!" Gary then lifted up his hand and did the 'L' sign for no reason except that it looked cool. "Aperture should be quivering in their boots with you on the case, sir!" Anise said with a good humored grin on her face. "They may be confident but they must convince the President the military will fail. That will take a longer than one attack on a few generals. That will take days, possibly weeks, at least that is the good side about martial law. It gives us time." "True, true," spoke Gary, "and time, my friends, is something we can use well..." [b][i]END[/I][/B]