Light nodded at the instructions she was given, just happy to do some sort of hero work without someone getting on her case. Though Constantine giving her a quick psychic map made her flinch a bit afterwords. She only caught parts of the instructions that Constantine gave Bio Beast, or John, or whatever, she didn't really care all that much. All she caught was 'find comms bunker, make a big distraction, no killing' which was ok with her. Coming up to the smoldering ruined building, Light decided to take the most direct route to the comms room, which was apparently encased in steel according tot he map sh ewas given. The entrance of the building wasn't ruined as much as the stairways and offices deeper in the building, but the fact that there were electrical sparks and the like coming out of the ruined metal scanners near the front desk did annoy her quite a bit, especially when she had to get around it and caused a loud "ZAAAP" sound to reverberate through the ruined building of her getting her dress caught on one of the live wires for a moment, her body lighting up for the couple seconds she was touching the wire but otherwise being alright afterwords. The ruined innards of the building were for the most part, actually easier to go through due to Light just needing to toss rubble aside, some small bits flying out of the ruins as she plowed through what was unrepairable debree until she made her way to the comms bunker, finding two soldiers, one young and one adult, maybe father and son if they didn't look so vastly different inside it who wondered who she was and who sent her. "Oh, hi kiddo. Sorry, not doing a show today. Guess I'm here to rescue you two. The roman emperor guy... Constantine I think, sent me here to reclaim this area." Light said, picking some rubble out of her hair while shaking dust off her dress. It took a minute for Light to register that she was talking to what accounted to be a child soldier, or at least, teen soldier. She didn't think much of the adult soldier who was far more wary of her cartoonish appearance than the teen soldier. Scratching her head, she asked. "Wait... is he a meta or something? Isn't there some sort of law about the draft not being allowed to recruit people who aren't 18?" Light paused a bit to wait for them to reply before gesturing at the path she had dug through the rubble, escorting the two to make sure they got back to Constantine in one piece. This time she threw the broken electronics out of the building, getting zapped again and lighting up, showing a strange hollow-stick looking skeleton, so that the two could pass through, Light following soon after, cursing a bit at being electrocuted again.