[b] The White House[/b] The sun shone into the Oval Office as twilight was coming. The President sat behind to the Resolute Desk he looked upset. Davis Lawton sat in a wooden chair next to the President's desk. Sitting in front of the President was various high ranking officials. They sat on red, white and blue sofas, while others sat on chairs. On the sofas was House Speaker Greene, Defense Secretary Burke, and Attorney General Milner in the right one and in the left one sat General Ramirez, FBI Director Grantham, and Senator Garrison. In the chairs sat the CIA director, Secretary of Homeland security, the Treasury Secretary, and the National Security Advisor. The room was quiet as the recent estimates of casualties from Disney enter and FBI came in. White House Chief of Staff Lawton spoke first. "How the hell did this happen?!" "We don't know sir." replied the FBI director, "but it won't happen again." "It won't because the military will be running things in LA from this point on." General Ramirez calmly spoke as Grantham glared. "The House will support the President's move toward martial law," Speaker Greene leaned forward. "Same with the Senate." Senator Garrison turned to face the President. The Treasury secretary, a monied Wall street manager smiled. "This will prevent a panic in our markets. The NYSE has taken a hit today and may not recover for several more days," Lawton shook his head, "So we're in agreement that martial law must happen." the President spoke up. The assembled groups voiced their agreements. "Any outliers?" "Sir what about using private industry to help with the search?" Senator Garrison spoke after taking a swig of water. "You mean mercs?" asked the Secretary of Defense as he turned looking upset. "Private security contractors not limited by the law," Garrison stood up. The President shook his head no, :"Not going to do it. We will activate Aurora Damocles. Along with Sending Marines from Twenty-Nine Palms, Fighters from Edwards, and troops from Irwin." The President recited the plan of troop movement into LA. It was not a pleasant thing but the military was now needed to keep order. All in the room knew the military force would convince all of those that attaked LA that it was time to hide or find greener pastures. No way would they stay with the NSA watching every camera, military troops patrolling the Sunset strip, and fighters flying overhead. LA was a city under siege and her local defenders had failed. Now the federal government had to step in and say "No!" The President stared at the papers on his desk. He looked at the people in the room. "General get boots on the ground in LA ASAP. Milner I want all legal arguments for martial law, Burke give the general whatever he needs." The President faced the men from across the aisle in Congress. "I trust you men can get the votes for martial law?" The Senator and House speaker both said yes. "Good once our plans kick into high gear I want these SOB's found. This is a government matter and we will solve it. The meeting is dismissed." After most of the ranking people left it was just the president and Lawton. "Davis I want to to talk to the surviving FBI agent that is highest on the pole. We gotta talk with them and put together a plan of attack that the Bureau can carry out as revenge for the bombing." "Yes sir Mister President ." Lawton was about to leave when the president cleared his throat. Dave, I want you to know I would rather have no mercs at all on this one. Too much press and they'd react better to our young men and women than troops serving a massive multinational. I have made my mind up and have little interest in changing it." "Will do boss." [b] LA[/b] Elena Reyes for some reason sneezed... She was working with her fellow agents on clearing rubble from FBI HQ and the Disney center investigation. Her plate was awfully full.