April listened to Desmond with a smile, having not much to add in terms of conversation. She didn't have any pokemon besides Hope and she didn't even remember getting her. She only knew what her father told her. Still, She still loved Hope all the same. The overly protective dragonair always had her back and she appreciated that. [b]"That's so interesting!"[/b] April told Desmond as he ended, talking as if he'd done something wrong. [b]"I always enjoy listening to people's stories."[/b] She explained to him as they walked. They were about half way there now and she could feel Hope trying to pick up the pace. [b]"For the few years I've been spending at home, all I do is walk around asking people that pass by to tell me their stories. It's always interesting to hear."[/b] She told him, smiling softly. [b]"I remember one girl told me that she met her Chatot when she was walking down the Routes and it decided to dive bomb her. She was so mad, she decided to catch the little bugger and teach it a thing or two about manners. And now, the two are best friends."[/b] She explained, happy to share one of her interesting stories. [b]"My dad met his Ninetales when he was really little and they've been best friends for as long as I can remember. Nina sleeps with Dad every night, keeping his feet warm with her tails. It's kind of adorable to watch."[/b] April continued, chuckling to herself. She'd always enjoyed being with Nina. [b]"See, now [i]I'm[/i] the one going on and on!"[/b] She shouted, giggling to herself. [b]"So, anyway. We know where I'm from, where are [i]you[/i] from? Tell me some interesting stories about where you come from. I've never been out of Santalune, so I like hearing about other places."[/b] She asked, explaining her reasoning.