Name: Dao Age:17~ Race: Reincarnated Human Appearance: [img=] with out the mask [img=] Gift: manipulation of his ki/soul/mana, a dagger forged from his own soul (like a zanpakto) wich has taken its own consciousness over the many reincarnation Dao has been through.manipulation of his ki/soul/mana - ki blasts body strenghtening , soul enegy based spell (kido) , mana bending the elements fire,earth,water ect... not so good on the side of forming proper spells like teleportation , invisibility ,scrying ect... as for the dagger like a zanpakto it has too release forms 1st being a set of gauntlets and greaves 2nd the bankai being just pure soul engery that coats him and can be used to further strengthen his body or be formed into a weapon/constuct(susanoo) to aid in battle. as for the daggers ego it has a "demonic" form(hollowfication) that can be relased to further the power up but doing so dose send him into a somewhat controled rage as long as hes the one relaseing the form but if a near death experince or something emottionaly strong enough forces the daggers to take over a berserking demon get set lose and stop any and all thing inbetween and around it(her) target. Bio: being through many life cycles dao has experince the worst and the best of humanity. experienceing many diffent posibility even being a female, now on his 34th life cycle he heads to a school that teaches kids to be an adventure hopping to uncover great powers from the people there to beeter himself for the next life. Side:Chaotic he dose what he feels like in the moment he could help and old person across the street but then switch to breaking the limbs of someone who looked at him the wrong way. Names: Yuki (black hair) & Yui (silver hair) Age:14~ Appearance: [img=] Gifts: Yuki- more adept at ki manipulation she uses the 2 force to reinforce who body to fight hand to hand and focuses her ki to form various energy based blased. Yui mana control than even surpasses Dao can form big and comlicated spell without incantations, while she can use healing/curse/buff based magic much more effectively she can also do elemental based spell along with teleportation, minor telepathy, Bio: Yuki and Yui were astral being that lived on a diffent plane , durring one of daos reincarnation he came across them while moving twords his new vessle, taking an intrest he decided to bind them to his soul as his familiars. yuki beng the more abrasive of the 2 is a lot more open and out going but she still tends to be shy and timid around new people and always clings to dao when no real treat is present, in wich she isnt afraid to let loose and take down anything that poses danger to with dao or yui. yui on the other hand is a lot more introverted also cling to dao or yuki shy and soft spoken, but open up to people who get to know her and will always be there to help when she can. both are eager to please dao and loved to be praised when ever they acomplish a task for him.