[hider=Biskette Deloura] [center][IMG=http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff54/sanieko/biskettedeloura2_zps9427d96c.jpg] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nlJuwO0GDs]"I'm like the nicest pirate, 'iffen I don't rob ya I'll just toss ya overboard. Least ya got choices, aye?"[/url][/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Biskette Deloura [b]Alias(s):[/b] Dunk Master [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Height:[/b] 6'2'' (189cm) [b]Weight:[/b] 145lbs (66kg) [b]Hair Color:[/b] Now now there, frisky-buns. This lady's 'do is more than just a color, and if I had to break it down into rudimentary hues, wouldn't that be just a shame? [b]Eye Color:[/b] So yeah, this one time I had a sailor on Jarrah tell me my eyes looked like raw tuna fillets. Best compliment I've ever had. I wonder what he would say about my new 'do? Probably that it looks like an octopus attached itself to my head. Ahh, that guy was the best. [b]Faction:[/b] (What Pirate Faction are you from?) -Undecided- [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Ayyy, you blind comrade? I'm just your lovely Biskette, tall enough to dunk you into the Eternal Ocean, and all lean muscle since I never know when I'll have'ta. And I didn't bake in the sun for my delicious chocolate complexion, though I do like soakin' up some rays. [b]Attire:[/b] Gotta sport my tat, y'know, so I'm always wearin' tank tops. Three piercings in each ear, to make sure all them Islanders and Tower monkeys know this Biskette aint part of their system. Sommin' about lotsa piercings just kinda translates into pirate, right? Well anyway, I fancy myself some tight pants or shorts, 'cus I really just can't even handle other kinds of pants. If they don't stick to my skin, I feel like I'm givin' everymonkey a show. And I just don't give those away for free, ask that sailor on Jarrah. Haha, I love that guy! I'll pretty much slap any good pair of boots on my feet, though I do tend to prefer a'lil' bit of heel on my boots. Why are you lookin' at me like that? Bein' tall is great. [b]Personality:[/b] Ayy gent, you know, I can't really confine myself to words very well. You gotta feel it to understand, but I reckon I can try. I'm like the nicest pirate, 'iffen I don't rob ya I'll just toss ya overboard. Least ya got choices, aye? But I aint just givin' out reprimands, I like to play nice sometimes. One of my favorite pass-times is playin' card games, most any you can imagine, or playing this really old board game called "Go". Helps a lady strategize, ya? But you piss me off, I aint even just gonna toss ya overboard, hear me? [b]Weapons & Equipment:[/b] Y'know, a lady can't just decide between one flavor, so I take both for myself. I got my trusty cutlass for cuttin' ya, and my pistol for shootin' ya. So what if I miss sometimes? Just know the next one [i]will[/i] hit. Boom! I don't wanna take the deep plunge, so strapped to my forearms are dual grappling hooks, in-case I get unlucky enough to be thrown overboard myself. Along side all that fancy junk, I like to carry around my ocarina. Makin' the soul of the ocean into an exquisite melody, now that's what I prefer over cuttin' or boomin'. Just so 'appens that I got a power to bring that soul to life, through my music, and through this Shard I inherited. I call it the Soul of the Eternal, and if you hear it, you'll need to know that the hearts of the ocean are in my command. (Soul of the Eternal grants Biskette the favor of the ocean, encouraging creatures who hear it to lend her their aid for as long as the song lasts. In aiding her, she gains the ability to speak with them through her music, giving crude and basic instructions. In her keep are her two pets, both mutated by the Shards themselves. A super-sized albatross she's named Bianca, and her lemur-turtle Ronnie, who is normally slung across her back with his light crystal infused shell for added protection.) [b]Brief History:[/b] Histories are beautiful, aren't they, comrade? I like myself enough to tell you that I had a beautiful story, but a lady just can't just give you everything. I came from the big ol' Pyramid, though I'mma let'cha guess if I was above or below the Eternal Ocean before I sprouted my wings. Now, sprouting my wings, there is a [i]fantastic[/i] tale. The skies are so varied, seein' them all gives ya a taste of heaven. And everymonkey needs that. I took to the sky like a crustacean does the ocean, and I wanna go as high as I can dream. Through the atmosphere, to the land of the Gods! Ya laughin', gent? The Survivors did it, and I'm not about to let them show me up. So what if I gotta do a little bit of pirating before then? You snooze, you lose. As for my adorable little companions, Ronnie's been with me for a few years. I saw the little oddball in an exotic pet shop and snatched him up. He needs to breathe in the fresh air just as much as us, and see the stars. Bianca, however, is another story. She claimed me when she heard my music, and she's stayed by my side through the thickest of battles. Don't be fooled by her size, she's as fast as a Spectre, and as fire-hearted as a Wraith. 'Iffen ya like to compare birds to ships, that is. [center][b]INSERT SHIP NAME[/b] -Undecided- [IMG=INSERT SHIP IMG LINK HERE][/center] [b]Ship Class:[/b] (Spectre, Wraith, Geist, Phantom) -Undecided- [b]Ship Description:[/b] (Give a brief description of your ship i.e. crew size & cargo size.) -Undecided- [b]Ship Armaments:[/b] -Undecided- [/hider] EDIT: I have a few questions. First is more of a curiosity: there aren't any birds? Seagulls, pelicans, or other mutated flying creatures? I know you said that almost all wild life is ocean dwelling, but I had to ask since there are ocean birds, and the man-made ships/towers would provide them suitable nesting environments. And I have some world-related questions: What's the social structure like? What kind of governing system is in place? About character creation, what kind of powers would the Shards give us, if you could provide an example? Or is it more individualized? Is having a Shard power rare?